Saturday, July 31, 2010
no more stories about people who succeed in olevel please.
i had enough.
no need any more motivational stories.
because even if i do not do very well in olevels, i 've already succeeded.
because i'm proud of what i've achieved.
i am proud of mysef for finishing ever paper that is given to me, finishing my every run
i'm proud of not even thinking of dropping any subjects before, of never thinking on giving up on netball.
proud of even leaving drama to join a totally new kind of cca, netball
i'm proud of who i am today... because no one can be like me.
most importanly... i'm proud of my unique height:)
yeah teachers...thats why Rachel Lee from 4/9 is PROUD.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
最讨厌 要下不下的雨
可惜未来总是 扑朔迷离
如果摔得越痛 才越会飞行
快把我 丢向最高的天空里
不喜欢 别人说我幸运
他们不懂我有 多么努力
虽然冲动永远 比坚持容易
宝贵的 东西都需要很费心
有的给我眼泪 有的给我笑容
碰到的事 每一天都不同
终于会珍惜花开 不怕花落
走过的曲折 就全变成彩虹
不喜欢 别人说我幸运
他们不懂我有 多么努力
虽然冲动永远 比坚持容易
宝贵的 东西都需要很费心
遇见的人 每一天都不同
偶尔失去什么 偶尔学到什么
慢慢能翻越沙丘 走出日落
每一天的我 要比昨天辽阔
碰到的事 每一天都不同
有的给我眼泪 有的给我笑容
终于会珍惜花开 不怕花落
走过的曲折 就全变成彩虹
遇见的人 每一天都不同
偶尔失去什么 偶尔学到什么
慢慢能翻越沙丘 走出日落
每一天的我 要比昨天辽阔
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Taiwanese star was in Singapore for the opening of the STAGE flagship store

Lee Teng took his 'baby' and made it bigger and better.
The baby in question? Fashion brand, STAGE.
Show Luo and Lee Teng are business partners in this venture. Show specially flew from Taiwan for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Lee Teng's third outlet in Singapore recently. The outlet will be the flagship store for STAGE.

Lee Teng had spent a six-digit sum on setting up the store. When asked what he thought of the new store, Show said he was satisfied with what Lee Teng had done.
"Actually I'm kind of jealous because this store is even bigger than mine in Taipei and Kaosiung!"
During the interview after the ceremony, Show was all praises for Lee Teng
"He introduced the brand to Singapore and has put his heart into maintaining the business for the past two years."
He also said that by letting Lee Teng handle the franchise in Singapore, he felt like he was giving his baby away for Lee Teng to take care of.
Show's fans had thronged *SCAPE even before he arrived, prompting reporters to tease Lee Teng for being overshadowed. Lee Teng modestly replied he is the one who is benefitting from the attention.
Since Show is also Jolin Tsai's good friend, reporters could not resist sneaking in a question about the recent rumours of her hooking up with Jay Chou. Jolin and Jay had set tongues wagging after collaborating in an encore performance at Jay's recent concert.
"Those are just rumours; all she did was to perform as a guest!"
When asked about Jolin's sister, who recently got hitched, Show said that he is happy for her, but the star clearly did not forget the reason he was at the event. He cleverly drew attention back to the opening by drawing an analogy.
"Today is a 'marriage' too; I'm marrying my daughter (STAGE brand) off to Lee Teng, hopefully they can give birth to a few more shops!"
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
i don't possess the kind of qualities that a runner has. the kind of fighting spirit.
i don't think i deserve that throphy sitting on my cupboard now.
why can't i apply the techniques of running a real marathon on my studies and my life?
i am not disciplined... neither am i determined.
i don't deserve to be called a runner.
i try very hard to find that RACHEL LEE back. but i can't seem to find it.
it gets harder every day. i'm not a winner. i am no longer proud of myself.
period. full stop.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
WuZun gives his first time to Rainie Yang! ComicRitz new show “Sunshine Angel” would collaborate with Taiwan, China and Japan, after 40days of shooting in Shanghai, it turns up in Okinawa to hold its press conference for the Taiwan and Japan media, WuZun can’t help but complain to the Taiwan media that he was being beat up by Rainie till he got bruises all around, WuZun shouts, “It’s my first time being beaten up so badly.” And when WuZun kiss Rainie, he did not receive any responce, and jokes that he is kissing a woodblock.
“Sunshine Angel” using a total of NT$80million to film for 20hours, it is currently in Okinawa to film the pretty scenery, the helicopter; yatch and sports car scenes. It has been filming for 10 days and have spend $5million. WuZun who is surrounded by flashy outfits and beautiful sceneries has a habit of taking off the buttons of his shirt, letting the others see the bruises Rainie left behind, which made the rest of the female crew blush.
That scene where WuZun was beaten by the crying Rainie for the whole afternoon, other than this scene where the pretty boy’s chest is being targeted, there’s another scene where Rainie had to slap WuZun repeatedly, which made his face swell up like a pig head. Rainie laughs, “From the start I told him, I would really hit, would try my best not to NG, but the director wants a shot from many angles!”
WuZun isn’t that proficient in Chinese, so when he ask Rainie to help him get some stuff and wanting to thank her for that, he says, “You are very ji-po [busybody]!” Rainie laughs saying, “Now I know him quite well, he actually wants to thank me for taking care of him. Those female actresses who once co-star with WuZun was described by him as being casual! That is easier to be misunderstood!” WuZun was actually trying to say that they are easy-going.
Before the collaboration, Rainie was actually afraid that WuZun would be prettier than her, but now Rainie says, “He’s beautiful but his heart is even prettier! He’s very kind-hearted.” Rainie who hasn’t dated for 5 to 6 years, and WuZun says that he has stayed single for more than 10years, would both of them have any sparks?
“His eyes is like an empty hole, wouldn’t be like guys who leaves feelings all around!” Unsure if this sentence is praising or teasing WuZun? Rainie laughs saying, “His principle of living is to eat!” WuZun’s love to eat is well-known, during the interview he says, “When the filming gets tough, I would use food to pamper myself, so I would really have to taste the food here in Okinawa!”

Iron woman!
currently in its filming stages in Japan’s Okinawa to film a love story with the backgrounds of sunshine and sea. The crew has spend a huge amount of money to rent helicopters and speedboats for filming purposes, WuZun and fellow crews who has scenes in both the speedboats and helicopters all got motion-sickness, only iron-woman Rainie is the only one enjoying herself.
Rainie, in
The crew has spend money to rent speedboats and helicopters. WuZun who has a history of motion sickness was afraid that he would vomit and that the blood-vessels in the eye would influence his appearance, he controlled himself, and tried to remain handsome by driving the boat with one hand, but during meal-breaks, WuZun who was usually the “king of eating” was too bloated. But WuZun insist on eating as he says, “I have to try to eat anything I can eat, or else there wouldn’t be anything I can vomit later.”
When its the helicopter scene where there are multiple scenes, at this point of time everyone including WuZun was feeling uncomfortable, only Rainie Yang continues to be lively. She has love the sea since young, and kept reminding the crew to remember to look far ahead to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

while everyone is almost dying... SHE continues to be the most lively one!!!
this is a short clip. not very clear... but a rough idea. not the trailer too...
i had oral today. it was alright. so don't ask me anymore. i just want to forget about chinese for a while. quite tired of it already. i don't think i want to retake chinese. unless i get less than B3 lah!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
i'm sure everyone is trying very hard now. but sometimes,i think we should sit back and ask ourselves, what are we doing this for? because when i do that sometimes, it either gives me more drive to study... or i don't feel like studying for a while.
how often we people get to do what we really want? we basically follow everything blindly...
we don't even do jobs that we love. what i really love doing is... SECRET haha. some people know lah:) yupps... so what i'm trying to say is that most of the teachers tell us that we can do well as long as we study hard and do our homework. but can we really do well in life? if we don't have the passion but we are very good in accountacy, are we able to keep that up for life? so sometimes i don't feel like studying!
i hope that RAINIEandSHOWcan give me the strength that i need to do my very best for my chem SPA and MT oral exam...
haha and btw i know this is an old korean song but i love it:)
Monday, July 5, 2010
One more yr and i’ll be heading out on my own.
Leaving friends and the place that i call home.
i don’t wanna go home I just need to know that i can come back.
I only need to know ,
I only need to know that you’ll ve here when i come back home.
Cuz i dun wanna miss a fun-filled training here with you like this.
I dun wanna miss
All those times we ran in the sunlight Conversations and laughter till midnight.
You and i huddled close till the daylight came.
Remember the passes we never could get right,the stepping the footwork we always messed up
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
When facing the sunlight
I am naked.
When touching the raindrops
I am naked.
When feeling the breeze
I am naked.
My heart has been emptied. i see you
Soul has been seen through.
I am being understood
this is how rainie felt about that incident. i am so glad that she is beeing undersood now. actually it would be kinda weird if she just say “8年”instead of “8年而已?”. i think its perfectly normal and a natural human reaction. not everyone there has accepted her yet but at least there is an improvement. haha but for those who haven accepted her yet... oh well, its their loss:)
what happened to her a few years ago. it was her biggest mistake.
aiya everyone has their past mah:)
the other day i was hearing 如果我便成回忆 and after hearing the first line... i thought of hui yi:) haha lols i also dunno why. and i thought of this... u can try singing to the tune of that song:)
如果我便成Hui Yi
就会有新鲜空气 ( tall ppl have fresher air mah)
我只要到一百六十公分就已满足 ( 160cm)
谁能帮帮我, 长高一些
Thursday, July 1, 2010
love this song
i also like that...
just a small bird who can't achieve much
even simple things like height-.-
haha i think of this only laugh sia...
why does the man hear two sounds from the mountain?
i didn't know i could be so lame
i think cos my brain was fried already... go mad liao:)