i failed my a-maths test
surprising? no.
i didn't work had
second test i faild this year
i really do want to work harder
i really do
but can i?
i don't know
you can't escape from studying
is which kind of attitude you want to face with
i was really sad
but i know that failures are all part of life
but i didn't really study for this test
and thats why i am partly to blame
so there is no use crying over spilt milk
hope i pass the retest
ok enough bout maths
today is not actually the day that seniors step down
but it is their last training with us:(
somehow i really feel like i have just lost my loved one
they go through thick and thin with us
no more laming
but still got the lame sec 3s! (me! shhh)
haha good luck for their national exams
though the sacarsim has faded off cos so may matches has passed
i am not so ironic and emo and sacarstic now
but sometimes i will still say here and there
cos its like when you sprain your ankle
the pain will forever be there
it will never fully recover
so thats why the pain in my heart will forever be there:)
ok i know that this blog is getting more boring
B'DIV 2009 ROCKS!!!

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